NH Beauty

Are you curious about paper piecing? Do you and paper piecing already have a love/hate relationship? This class will make paper piecing a love/love relationship. The New York Beauty has always been a very popular pattern. But why call it NY Beauty when I live in NH? So, we’re making the NH Beauty wall hanging. We’ll not only be using my “No More Tears” © method of paper piecing, but we’ll also tackle curved seams. They are easier than you might think😊
We probably won't finish the entire project in class but you'll have all the tools you'll need to finish it at home.
The finished piece measures 24" x 24" without borders.
Your fabric
Sewing machine, thread and pre-wound bobbin, regular piecing foot and 1/4" foot
Pins, and just in case, a seam ripper
45mm Rotary cutter (with a new blade) and a ruler - 6"x12" works fine
18mm or 28mm rotary cutter (helpful but not necessary)
Small cutting mat 9" x 12" is fine
Pencil or pen
Highlighter (Pink, green, blue, orange, but NOT yellow)
Add-A-Quarter ruler (the longer the better)
Add-An-Eighth ruler (not necessary, but helpful)
Paper and fabric scissors
Invisible Scotch Tape (any brand)
For Virtual Classes Only:
Elmer's Disappearing Purple Glue Stick (preferable)
Your pre-printed patterns (for online classes only)
You’ll notice that I chose 4 different colors in several different fabrics randomly for the L-shaped background, pie wedge, and arcs and used a bright orange for the “rays”.
There are 3 large blocks and 4 smaller blocks. The larger blocks measure 12”x12” and the 4 smaller measure 6”x6”. We’ll be making as many of each as time allows.
*Contrasting fabric means any 2 fabrics that create a very “crisp” line between them when placed next to each other. Please, avoid directional prints, large prints, or 2 prints that share a common color.
Think about using some of your scraps for this project and use as many different colors for the arcs, L shape and Pie shape as you'd like. We’ll be doing most of the cutting in class so bring at least 24” of each of your “L”, “Pie” and "Arc" fabrics and at least 10” of your “ray” fabric. There will be LOTS of fabric left over.
You'll need three pieces of background fabric at least 14" square for you large "L Shapes".
All fabric is cut cross grain or Width of Fabric (WOF). Measurements assume 42" of useable fabric.