"This, No That"
Sirota "No More Tears" © Paper Piecing
It's Paper Piecing for the 21st Century

"This, No That"
38-1/2" x 38-1/2"
Finished Block Size - 8" x 8"

Inspired by a simple border design, I decided to enhance the design into a quilt. I love the simplicity, dimensional effect, and graphic look of this quilt. You can go crazy deciding on a color palette. More on that later...
Of course it's paper pieced using my "No More Tears"© Method. This class is great for all levels of quilters, including (and especially) those who've never paper pieced before.
Bring to Class
Your pre-cut strips (see below) and any extra fabric
Sewing machine with a new needle, thread and pre-wound bobbin, regular piecing foot and 1/4" foot
Pins, and just in case...a seam ripper
Pencil or pen
Highlighter (Pink, green, blue, orange, but NOT yellow)
Add-A-Quarter ruler (the longer the better)
Paper scissors and fabric scissors
Invisible Scotch Tape - Should the surface should look and feel like the vellum. Scotch brand is Magic Tape, Staples calls it invisible Tape.
For Virtual Classes Only:
Your pre-printed patterns on 17# Vellum***
A BRAND NEW Elmer's Disappearing Purple Glue Stick
*** Click HERE for more about the paper
Choosing Fabric
As with most of my quilts, contrast is the key. Bold colors for the zig zags and the triangles and a lighter neutral for the background.
You'll be choosing 3 different colors, one for the zig zags, one for the triangles and one for the background. What makes this pattern work is the use of lighter and darker fabrics in the three colors you chose. In the example above I used lighter and slightly darker aquas, orange/burnt orange, and ecru/beige to achieve the effect. So in the end you'll have six different fabrics.
This is a great quilt to make in your favorite colors. I'm suggesting solids, tone on tone, blenders or small prints.
Cutting: All of the strips are width of fabric (selvedge to selvedge) with 42" of usable fabric. Using the quilt pictured above:
Color A - Zig Zags - Aqua/Teal
Color B - Shaded Triangles & Strips - Orange/Burnt Orange
Color C - Background - Ecru/Beige
Color A - 1/2 yard of each
Color B - 1/2 yard of each
Color C - 3/4 yard of each
However you might want to get a little extra...just in case:)​​
Cutting Specs​
​The cutting specs below are for the entire quilt. I find that cutting the strips as I need them keeps me organized and keeps the mess to a minimum. So, for class you do not need to cut all of the fabric. Just cut one strip of fabric and sub-cut as indicated for each color.
Color A - Zig Zags
Cut four 3-1/2" strips from both Zig Zag colors. You'll have eight strips total. Bring the strips to class.​​​​​

Color B - Colored Triangles and Thin Strips
Cut seven 1" strips from both colors. Bring the strips to class. You'll have a total of fourteen strips.
Cut two 3-1/2" strips from both colors. Cut the strips into sixteen 3-1/2" squares. Then cut the squares in half diagonally to make thirty-two HSTs (half-square triangles). You'll have 64 total.

Color C - Background Triangles​​
Cut two 3-1/2" strips from both colors. Cut the strips into sixteen 3-1/2" squares. Then cut the squares in half to make thirty-two HSTs (half-square triangles).

​​Cut two 6-1/2" strips from both colors. Cut the strips into eight 6-1/2" squares. Then cut the eight squares in half, diagonally, twice. You'll end up with thirty-two QSTs (quarter-square triangles). ​​​​